Posts by julie_angel, Author at Teach your class to draw

Great Results

June 4, 2022

Our drawing intervention is free and any school can join in. If your school took part and have got some examples from these lessons, we would love to see them and put them on our website. Email us at with your attached images. We will be changing the assessment drawing this year and introducing Year 5 and 6 videos and lessons. The focus will still be on drawing but age appropriate videos and lesson content will be available.

Teach Your Class To Draw drawing lessons

September 13, 2021

  If you are starting the Teach Your Class to Draw, drawing lessons, welcome and I hope you enjoy the term. If you look at the teacher training video and then at the 9 teacher videos that accompany the lessons, you will get an idea of what to teach and how to go about the lessons. The first lesson is a simple drawing assessment using the image below. You can either go on to the downloads from the website or copy and print from this article. If you are using sketchbooks then ask you pupils to open on the middle page and READ MORE

Drawing Lesson to help primary children with proportion.

February 3, 2020

Grid Drawing for primary schoolsTry using a grid to help primary school children with proportion. Often children find it challenging to get objects in proportion and using a grid is one way to help children achieve this. Try this video Lesson 6 Grid Drawing, for your class and download the blank grids from this link, them to have a go.  Any drawing experience is good for children and this lesson is great to start at Year 4. Top tips: Tell pupils to copy each rectangle and get their partner to check for them like 'spot the difference game". Download 3 levels of grids, easy/medium/hard and the READ MORE

Teach Drawing at Year 4

January 29, 2020

  Teaching drawing to Year 4 is the perfect time and can be deceptively simple. I have put together some videos for teachers which will help pupils develop essential drawing skills. There are 9 lessons and 1 introduction video which help children move from a simple drawing system called the 'Symbol System' where shapes represent people, places and objects, think matchstick people. The element system is a more sophisticated method of drawing using elements such as tone and light and dark and each lesson helps inform and develop new observation. The 9 lessons help pupil's transition to a more realistic way of READ MORE

Drawing Progress in Year 4

January 25, 2020

These two pictures were drawn at the beginning of a series of drawing lessons and at the end. Progress is clear and I would recommend that teachers try these free videos and downloads. Teaching drawing at the right age can help pupils make a good start in their art education and is deceptively simple to deliver even as a non-specialist art teacher. As an art teacher with many years experience and passionate about the importance of drawing, I have always been aware of the relevance and understanding drawing brings to an art education. Starting too early is not necessary and most educators READ MORE

Art Poster Free Downloads

January 2, 2020

In 2020 we hope the creative industries do as well as they did in the last decade. It is really important to encourage and inspire children from a young age. Here are two posters that show different careers in art. Download them from  

Measuring Teaching Drawing

November 24, 2019

One way to measure your teaching drawing is to compare drawings from the start of your lessons to the end. This is a good test especially if you are looking at specific elements such as shape, line, light and dark, tone and colour. Try using this assessment at the beginning of your teaching then ask pupils to do the same task. If you give them the same materials to do their drawings and remind them to use all the skills they have been learning about. They can start with light pen lines and not worry about rubbing out mistakes. The READ MORE

Drawing Trial Starting September 2018

July 11, 2018

It has taken many years to organise and to develop a way to help Year 4 teachers to teach drawing. I am so proud to announce that a small trial will take place in September to test the 'Teach Your Class To Draw' programme which is a series of lessons that break down drawing into five basic elements shape, line, light and dark, tone and colour. Each lesson is is laid out in a clear and simple format and contains lesson objectives, sketchbook examples a lesson plan. The trial group will have a number of schools testing out the lessons READ MORE

The Beauty of Everyday Objects.

March 4, 2018

Everyday objects can be surprisingly beautiful and a great way for children to connect to art. In The Classroom Most primary schools will teach art in the classroom, and this can sometimes be restricting as all the other lessons are taught there. Space is tight and finding places to house art equipment is challenging. Why not look around the classroom to find objects children can draw? Lunch-boxes can usually have great items to draw, even if it is empty packaging like cans or sandwich wrappers, apple cores and orange peel are all interesting objects. Often school equipment can be good, pencils and rubbers usually READ MORE

End of term activity art game: Words Together Game

February 5, 2018

  Words Together Game Try this game at the end of term with your class for a bit of fun in Art lessons. Show your class the above images and get them to guess what word the two images make. Once they have guessed the four words you could give show them the above images to get them started and then let them in pairs draw their own. Its a noisy fun class where pupils still draw symbols from memory. Answers from above are: Mindmap iCloud Spider-graph Earring Download the above images from