Year 5 Food Project Knickerbocker Glory
Such a fun lesson for Year 5. The project is almost finished and the sketchbook work is stunning.
Parents evening was great as I was able to show them this work in progress.
Paper Pulp
We looked at the subject of food in art and for some strange reason the children absolutely loved and were fascinated watching Andy Warhol eat a hamburger for 15 minutes. They watched a slide show on Claes Oldenburg’s soft food sculpture which was inspirational and set the project off on a good note.
They did lots of drawings of food and some artist research in their sketchbooks.
They then used ready mixed paper pulp to mould and sculpt various deserts.
It took some days to dry so I would definitely make sure you have a drying rack for the sketchbooks.
We used acrylic paints on the pulp and watercolours for the painting. I left the pupils to arrange creatively the work in their sketchbooks and they did a stunning job.
I would recommend this project for Year 5 or 6 and here are my top tips after having done this for the first time:
We did this in sketchbooks but as it makes such a great display they could do it on A3 landscape paper.
Year 5 Food Project Chocolate sundae
Year 5 Food Project Pistachio ice-cream pulp sculpture. This pupil used the image he was drawing from to collage into his pulp image. His next stage is to paint in watercolour.
Year 5 Food Project Banana boat ice-cream pulp sculpture. This pupil did a great job with his moulding and painting.