My drawing when I was about 6 years old.
This is my drawing when I was about 6 years old. It is of myself 2nd left and my twin sister left, my older sister and finally my younger sister Britt far right. For some reason we are nurse cats.
I can still remember the jealousy and infighting through this picture. I am the perfect one and I spent much longer on myself making my dress more detailed. The others all have moustaches and Britt the baby of the family who was the prettiest and always getting the attention didn’t get a hat or a tail for her attention stealing.
It is amazing how when I look at photographs of the same time in our lives with the four of us lined up I can’t connect memories like I can with this drawing. So my advice is keep your children’s drawings and write on the back what they said they were, and if you can keep yours also.
Many years on the moustaches bit is starting to come true, not for me of course as I am perfect!