Example of pupil acrylic painting
Lesson Idea Yr 4 Lowry
Man sending letter LS Lowry Yr 4 own painting
Great L.S.Lowry Year 4 Lesson idea
A Fight by LS Lowry and Yr 4 Pupils
This is a great lesson to do with Yr 4. Paintings by L.S.Lowry are perfect for this age range as he only uses 6 colours so you to could limit your colour palette. Also he adds such drama in his paintings with titles such as A Fight and The Accident it is easy to get children to connect. I got 10 Yr 4 pupils to go out at playtime with a TA and take photos of other children in the school. They asked the children to look at the 3 pictures of Lowry’s Man Pulling Cart, A Fight, and Man sending a letter. They then arranged themselves in similar poses. The children absolutely loved this part of the project. The pictures alone were great and made a brilliant wall display. I then printed out the 3 best arrangements onto cartridge paper and the gave Y4 a limited palette of acrylic paints (if you don’t have them or TA help stick to water paints) then then painted with the knowledge that next week when dry they could go over outlines in black felt pen, this helped avoid overuse of black.
The paintings were displayed with the photos and information about Lowry. One of the best projects I have done with Year 4.
Top tip for this lessonIf you use acrylic which is best then at all costs AVOID children at the sink, do everything you can to not have a group of any children at your sink. I gave them wet wipes, put newspaper on the tables, half filled water pots and put them down only when they started painting to avoid spills. Gave them aprons and they rolled up sleeves.
Limit your palette just like Lowry did, it is easier to get similar colours.
Ivory Black (black)
Yellow Ochre (dark yellow / mustard)
Prussian Blue (dark blue)
Vermillion (pinky red)
Flake white (any white)
I have taught this lesson to Yr 3 and Yr 9 and it is always interesting and full of colour. Have fun and let me know how it went especially share the children’s work.