Teach Your Class to Draw: Growth Mindset
Example from Teach Your Class To Draw Lesson 4 Year 4 Week 3 Softening Shapes
Smiley Face
For the last 3 years my Year 4, 5, and 6 pupils have successfully marked all work with a Smiley Face following the above chart. They do not cross any work out and by the end of year 4 after gentle but consistent persuasion to resist altering the faces they manage to keep the faces similar to the above chart.
They don’t draw glasses or tears on the faces (anymore) and this system has really worked for self/peer assessment and I have kept my marking to verbal comments throughout the lessons reducing my workload further. I get them to mark each others from time to time and they use a green pen for that.
No need for a rubber!
It is recommended that children do not use a rubber when learning to draw. Pupils should use a black ball-point pen to draw with and be encouraged to use light lines and ignore any lines they don’t want in their drawing. This works so well because the pupils aren’t relying on a rubber so when they use a different medium, like acrylic paint or oil pastels, they can adjust their drawings, also they get used to starting lightly and then working into the drawing like artists do.
Growth Mindset in drawing.
In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Characteristics of a growth mindset: enjoying the process of drawing regardless of outcome: able to see the bigger picture and not worry about small imperfections; relaxed when drawing; not disheartened or upset when drawings don’t go to plan.
Fixed Mindset in drawing.
In a fixed mindset, people believe that their basic qualities or talet, are simply fixed traits. They spent their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success – without effort. Characteristics of a fixed mindset in drawing: tracing and passing it off as hand-drawn; tearing up work they don’t like; not showing any work they perceive to be unsuccessful, getting upset when things in their drawings don’t go their way.