New from art teacher Julie Angel designed for busy primary school teachers with little or no drawing experience.
New from art teacher Julie Angel designed for busy primary school teachers with little or no drawing experience.
Drawing is one of the most important communication activity humans can do. Through drawing we learn how to see and understand the world. Year 4 is the age when we make the transition from simple drawing to a more realistic drawing method.
Primary school
In a busy primary school it is a challenge to teach specific skills in drawing especially if teachers have limited experience in art. As an experienced art teacher I have taught in primary school classrooms and understand the environment and challenges present.
Ideal world
In an ideal world, every primary school would have a large, airy, bright art room with a qualified Art teacher and assistant, lots of equipment and so on. In reality, most classrooms are where the art lessons happens, and with a restricted budget and space, teaching art is a challenge made even more difficult for primary school teachers without specific training or knowledge.
Deceptively simple
Teaching drawing is deceptively simple in Year 4 because pupils do most of the work and are developmentally ready. For the most effective results start at the beginning of Year 4. The lessons are designed for a term. Skills and knowledge acquired can be taken through the rest of the year and into Year 5&6 hopefully giving pupils a good start to secondary art education.