Teaching drawing to Year 4 is the perfect time and can be deceptively simple. I have put together some videos for teachers which will help pupils develop essential drawing skills. There are 9 lessons and 1 introduction video which help children move from a simple drawing system called the ‘Symbol System’ where shapes represent people, places and objects, think matchstick people. The element system is a more sophisticated method of drawing using elements such as tone and light and dark and each lesson helps inform and develop new observation.
The 9 lessons help pupil’s transition to a more realistic way of drawing and a greater understanding of the subject. It takes about a term to deliver if art lessons are once a week.
Teach Your Class to Draw free videos and downloads for primary school teachers.
An assessment drawing at the beginning and end of the lessons can give a good visual indication of progress, and this can be downloaded free from the website www.teachyourclasstodraw.com