Posts by julie_angel, Author at Teach your class to draw - Page 2 of 4

Teach Your Class to Draw.

January 29, 2018

Teaching pupils at Year 4. Teaching pupils at Year 4how to draw is really important because it is at this age that pupils begin to want to draw realistically. Before this stage in their development they use the Symbol System to draw, which is using symbols from memory to represent people, places and things. A circle represents a face, a square with a triangle represents a house etc. By the time children get to Year 4 they know that a simple circle with two dots in it is not a face. They instruction and rules to follow to be able to READ MORE

Teach Your Class To Draw:Growth Mindset

November 4, 2017

Smiley Face For the last 3 years my Year 4, 5, and 6 pupils have successfully marked all work with a Smiley Face following the above chart. They do not cross any work out and by the end of year 4 after gentle but consistent persuasion to resist altering the faces they manage to keep the faces similar to the above chart. They don't draw glasses or tears on the faces (anymore) and this system has really worked for self/peer assessment and I have kept my marking to verbal comments throughout the lessons reducing my workload further. I get them to mark READ MORE

Snow Dog Christmas Card lesson

November 4, 2017

This was a twist on the Christmas Card snowman/animal lesson I did for Year 3 in previous post. The same lesson content as before but rather than the children drawing a snowman or snow animal we read the Snowman and snow dog. Looked at the video (such a treat) and then I gave them some sample pictures of just the snow dog. They drew on ordinary paper and coloured in with felt pens and colour pencils. The card I gave them a demonstration on how to take out using rock salt and cotton buds. If you don't feel confident I will be posting a video READ MORE

Beautiful Yr3 Christmas painting lesson

November 4, 2017

  This is a great lesson for Year 3 as it enables them to paint, collage and experiment in a 1 hour lesson. First part of the lesson Watercolour techniques: Taking Out using cotton buds, A Wash using blue and water. Using watercolours not ready mix paint. Pupils make a dark blue wash and then paint about three quarters of the page. Using cotton buds they take out areas by pressing down and they continues this until the paint is dry. Fine motor skills: Cutting out and glueing Composition: Arranging position of snow animal/man They then use a small piece of paper to draw their snow animal/snowman READ MORE

Step-by-step drawing books can be really good for independent learning.

October 29, 2017

For many years I didn't use Step-by-step drawing books with pupils as I always had enough material to use but since running a lunchtime Art club I have found that these books can be wonderful for independent learning. Also as the club is only 30 minutes it is practical to use the books and gives pupils a choice. I have now built up quite a collection in the Art library and I leave them out at the beginning of the club. I was really surprised when the book was used by Yr 3 pupils and even more surprised with the lovely images READ MORE

Great Lesson for Year 5: Food in Art

October 27, 2017

Such a fun lesson for Year 5. The project is almost finished and the sketchbook work is stunning. Parents evening was great as I was able to show them this work in progress. Paper Pulp We looked at the subject of food in art and for some strange reason the children absolutely loved and were fascinated watching Andy Warhol eat a hamburger for 15 minutes. They watched a slide show on Claes Oldenburg's soft food sculpture which was inspirational and set the project off on a good note. They did lots of drawings of food and some artist research in their sketchbooks. They then used READ MORE

Junior Art Club: Recycled Wooden Peg Aeroplanes

October 27, 2017

Junior Art Club Project This was a fun project to do for Art Club. We looked at an image I got from Pinterest and the children got very excited about what they were going to make. I gave each pupil 3 lolly sticks, one wooden peg and a button. They used acrylic paint to paint the lolly sticks and pegs, although I did have coloured sticks which are just as good. They used a hairdryer to dry the sticks and then felt pens to add design and detail.  This was enough for just one club, the children put their sticks and peg on READ MORE

Yr 8 Monet / chalk on blue sugar paper

October 25, 2017

I was amazed at my Yr8s homework last week. They were given an image of Monet's Haystacks and blue sugar paper with about 7 pieces of chalk to take home and they created some beautiful images.  

Lovely Yellow Cow lesson with Yr3

October 25, 2017

The Yellow Cow by Fans Marc 1911 This is a great lesson to introduce expressionism to Yr3. I just showed them one painting and we talked about it, what colours were used and what was the cow doing etc. The pupils then were given watercolours and they painted their own version. When the painting was dry they were able to add more detail with pens, colour pencils and chalks. I think by just looking at one picture this was a great introduction into expressionism. To end the  2 lesson project pupils looked into colour gel sheets and talked about how colour made them READ MORE

Great Lesson for Year 3/4/5: Toys in Art

October 23, 2017

This was a great project to do with Year 3 and also Year4&5. I showed them different works of art that had a toy theme and we discussed what they liked about the pieces. Then I put out lots of old toys that I had kept in a box. The toys had good strong shapes, colour and were not too complicated. They used watercolours and pen to draw their toy. Then walked around the classroom looking at all the other childrens work. They gave feedback and by that time their paintings were dry and they cut them out and stuck them on choice READ MORE